Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Meta data in KOS

I was thinking to write about Knowledge Organization System(KOS). Since I am working on the same area.

To start about KOS: We have to know about meta data: simply data about data
Meta data for KOS:

* Name /title
* Acronym
* Owner/Creator
* Language
* Type
* Format
* Note
* Usage
* E-Mail
* Date()
* Souces
* version ( we should keep version controlling so that we can walk through different version if we need sometime).
* Usage/subject cover/ purpose/rating
* Singnature(some time use for security reason).

Here is more details about KOS registry draft:

Ref: http://staff.oclc.org/~vizine/NKOS/Thesaurus_Registry_version3_rev.htm

Different forms of Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) and their standards:

Dictionaries, glossaries
ISO 12200:1999, Computer applications in terminology--Machine Readable Terminology
Interchange Format (MARTIF)--Negotiated Interchange
ISO 12620:1999, Computer applications in terminology--Data Categories.

ISO 2788-1986(E) / ANSI/NISO Z39.19-1993(R1998) (www.niso.org)
ZThes (using Z39.50, strictly ANSI Z39.19)
Browser at http://muffin.indexdata.dk/zthes/tbrowse.zap
Vocabulary Markup Language (VocML) (under discussion at NKOS)
See also http://ceres.ca.gov/KOS/
ISO 5964-1985(E) (multilingual)
USMARC format for authority data

Topic maps (reference works, encyclopedias) (http://www.topicmaps.org/about.html)
ISO/IEC 13250:2000 Topic Maps
XML Topic Maps (XTM) 1.0 (http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/1.0/)
Concept maps

Classification schemes
USMARC format for classification data

Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF) NCITS.T2/98-004
Ontology Markup Language (OML) /
Conceptual Knowledge Markup Language (CKML)
Ontology Interface Layer (OIL) (http://www.ontoknowledge.org/oil/)

Generic standards for knowledge structures, entity-relationship models
Resource Description Framework (RDF) (http://www.w3.org/RDF/)
Metadata Coalition. Open Information Model (OIM). Knowledge Management Model
XTM might also fit here

Ref: Dagobert Soergel

If we take example of Thesaurus Registry for KOS: we can defined it in the following way:

* termId
* termName
* term Qualifier
* term Langauge
* term Created Date
* term Modified Date
* term Modified by
* Souce DB

Every group is having own KOS and their presentation system. This structure/standard totally depends on how and what purpose will you use this system.

It has a lot of blessings in vocabulary system or faceted system
But ,It can not currently be utilised to full petential because semantic structure not explicitly represented.

From my point of view , faceted analysis is big research issue now the days. I do believe that if we can present and adapt our ontology in faceted way, we can browse it easily.

I want to hand off my writing now and thinking lots of digital preservation of digital documents.